Sunday, March 13, 2005

I Sound Like a Zen Textbook (Yikes)

After re-reading yesterday's post, I sort of think that I sounded like a textbook on Zen or something... which more or less sucks...(not that a book on Zen sucks, I mean that I didn't sound as though I was writing my own original words... I sounded like I was parroting something that I had read in a book on Zen... I wasn't, but it sounded that way... which is the part that sucks) the problem is, that I can't seem to find a way to articulate this feeling without sounding that way... so, I will leave it as it stands.

In any case, whatever I have experienced, (and I have to admit that I have no idea what, if anything, it is/was) I experienced it, and it has improved my general sense of well-being and my outlook. It has also improved my relationships with other beings, human, animal, insect, bird... what have you.

I don't know precisely what brought me from there to here, but I am happy for it, and feel compelled to deepen whatever understanding I have gained.

I am not particularly sure how to go about doing that... but when a way presents itself, I will most likely follow it.

In the meantime, I am going out to have breakfast with my beautiful wife.

Incidentally, I received the results of the lab test, and I am now officially 'fishie-free' - we took it for a test drive just this morning, and everything worked out fantastically well!! I am now an Elysia playground. All juice, and no seeds!!

I'm off like a prom dress...

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