Thursday, April 21, 2005


As I write this, I am tired, sore, and thrilled!! I have been busting my ass at the gym, and I am starting to see some results in the form of strength gains! I cannot yet see any changes in my body, but I don't really expect to be able to see that (It's like trying to watch the hour hand move. It moves... but you can't watch it move... it sneaks up on you).

I could still probably tighten up on my diet a bit (I am using the term 'diet' not as in 'on a diet', but meaning anything and everything that an organism ingests is a part of its diet). Diet is huge. In order to see any of the changes that may be going on with my body, I would have to get rid of the layer of padding that is over everything. The only way that thats going to happen is if I exercise a little more discipline in the diet. Now, I'm not eating a bunch of crap, and I'm not overeating, but in order to consistently lose, I will have to eat less and less. The reason is that (hopefully) there will be less and less of me to feed!! I am basing my daily requirements based upon my body weight, and creating a caloric deficit predicated upon that daily requirement. I am losing, but not as fast (naturally) as I would like. Even if I could, I wouldn't lose much faster, because I would be afraid of losing what muscle mass I have, which is metabolically active, which would be counter to my long-term goals. I have to lose fat, but keep muscle... its a bit of a tight rope walk.

As a result in the sudden new surge of physical activity, I find that I am basically wiped out at the end of the day. This should pass once my body becomes accustomed to the new routine. I do have more energy during the day, however.

I just want to get the fat off. Even if I don't build huge amounts of muscle, If I lost the fat, I would have a decently muscled physique as it is right now (thanks to years of soldiering).

Elysia has been busting her ass as well. I can see her body changing. She looks slimmer, sleeker, and stronger. I'm proud of her!! (I think she looked gorgeous anyway... But losing fat and building muscle is healthier, which means she will be around longer, and she will feel better about herself... I'm all for that!)

I haven't had much time to blog, but once I am a little bit more accustomed to the new deal I will be writing more regularly.

If this exercise program pays off with viewable results, I will post before and after pics here. If not... well.... I'll keep trying!!

On Saturday the 30th, we are participating in the Revlon Run/Walk for Breast Cancer in New York City. I'll try to take some pics, maybe there will be a story in there somewhere... at the very least, anything that keeps more boobies in the world is worthwhile as far as I'm concerned!! Boobies make the world a prettier, perkier, bouncier place!! I'm on it, folks!! Bear... protector of boobies. That's me!

Fear Not, Little Boobies... Bear will protect you!!!


Kathy said...

Well I know I'll sleep better now, knowing that my "boobies" have a protector!

Congrats on the progress...keep posting about really is an inspiration to those of us who are struggling down the same path.

Bear said...

Shucks, Ma'am... Just doin' my Job. Hark!!

Do I hear a Boobie in distress?!?! Gotta Go!!

Kathy said...

Ok Bear Man to the rescue! I think this woman's breast might be in some serious danger. (Do you get a suit or something for being a Breasticle Super Hero?)

Breast Danger Ahead