Thursday, April 07, 2005

Feeling it....

Between the Daylight Savings Time time change, and getting back to the gym I am getting my ass kicked energy wise... I am having a hell of a time dragging my ass out of bed, and I'm shot most of the day.

This is familiar, though... I've been through it before. It usually takes my body about two weeks to acclimate to a training schedule when I return from a layoff.

I'm sore as hell, still.. but not as bad as the last few days, which is encouraging.

My baseline weight when I started was 247.75, yesterday I weighed in at 244. I will monitor the weight very closely for the first few weeks, after which I weigh in on Mondays only.

I worked my ass off last night in cardio, as well as in the weight resistance training part of the show. Tommorrow I won't be able to scratch my head!

I am using a three day split, as follows:

Chest/Triceps/anterior delts/abdominals


Thighs/lower back/calves/glutes/abdominals

I try to start with a weight that I can just do about 3 sets of 6 reps with, though I'll squeeze out more if I can. I will try to increase the reps to 12, after which I increase the weight and drop the reps down to 6 again.

After approximately two and a half months, I'll change the exercises, but stay on the same body parts. At least thats the plan.

Cardio started at 15 minutes at 60% of my max heart rate. I am now up to 30 minutes at 75-80%. I slowly increase the intensity for about a month, then I will back off for easier cardio workouts for a week, and start increasing the difficulty again.

So... I am starting to see some small changes. I have a long road ahead of me, but I'm motivated, so I'm confident that I'll realize my goals.

I would love to be able to crawl back into bed for a couple of hours, but it ain't in the stars....

Oh, well....

Off to work.

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