Sunday, October 15, 2006

Everything That We Need...

I woke up early this morning, and, while the rest of the world slept around me (or seemed to..) I simply knelt by the window and watched the morning unfold..

In time, a tiny little brown sparrow showed up near the feeder and began to root around, poking here, poking there... and then, it flew off..

I watched it as it flew away, disappearing out of sight... and I marvelled how such a tiny little thing, without the capability to call for or to receive help... a little creature that has no hands, no tools.. seemingly nothing.. manages to get by and live in such a huge, complicated world..

I don't know what it does, or how it does it each and every day... I don't know where it goes, or who with... but, it would appear that it gets by quite nicely..

..and I was, and continue to be, amazed by this!!

Just one tiny, helpless little bird in all of the world... and it knows *precisely* how to be *precisely* what it is... and it does it!

Each and every day.

It lives *precisely* as long as it lives... and then it dies *precisely* when it dies... and that's all! It doesn't worry about it.. doesn't agonize over it.. doesn't do anything except what it was born to do... be a tiny little brown sparrow. And it does this *perfectly*!!

As the tiny brown shape disappeared into the blue sky.. leaving me to dream of small brown birds with delicate wings and shiny little black eyes... it dawned on me;

The Universe is perfect!! It gives us *everything* that we need to do whatever it is that we must do... it left nothing out!.. It is*all* right here around us, right now, all the time!!

I find immense beauty in this...

Thank you, little brown bird, for being such a wonderful teacher..


Marcheline said...

Great post, bear. I can't help wondering if the little brown sparrow would be so carefree if it had to pay the mortgage every month... which makes me wonder if the neighbors would mind if we gave up our mortgage paying and started eating out of their bird feeders instead.


- M

Mona Buonanotte said...


I just read back a few posts (sorry, I'm remiss) and found out about your job situation. I'm sorry that happened to you, but after reading you as long as I deserve better. You're too smart for that crap. I work in a place with the most amazing people...genuinely nice, caring, no one yells...and I can only wish you the same in your next job.

Good luck!

Nukie said...

Spring Thrushes are nice too

Séamas Poncán said...

That reminded me of a lovely little poem:

I woke early one morning,
The earth lay cool and still
When suddenly a tiny bird
Perched on my window sill,
He sang a song so lovely
So carefree and so gay,
That slowly all my troubles
Began to slip away.
He sang of far off places
Of laughter and of fun,
It seemed his very trilling,
brought up the morning sun.
I stirred beneath the covers
Crept slowly out of bed,
Then gently shut the window
And crushed his fucking head.
I'm not a morning person