Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Gettin' Down to It...

Adjusting to less food and asking more of my body is what is needed right now... and what I have been doing. I believe I have zeroed in on what was causing the slump in weight loss, and am fairly confident that I have nailed it this time, and can now get on with the program (I had no idea whatsoever what comprised a 'serving' and was therefore overeating when I thought I was cutting back on my intake... what a dweeb!). I also learned about something called "Portion Size Creep", which sounds like a bad date but which is actually the syndrome whereby one slowly increases the size of the portions rather than decreasing them as you lose bodyweight... eventually, the weight loss stops, and, in many cases, due, I expect, to disillusionment, actually increases!

So.. I am eating less... MUCH less, and doing more.. MUCH more. So is my wife. We are seeing some results, which is good... in addition to the gym and the decreased intake, I am sleeping less than I would like... which is decidedly NOT good, because my body really needs the rest right now... between studying, writing assignments, research and all of the stuff that goes with it, plus the normal work that has to be done around the house, I am pretty much wiped out of late...

It is apparently making me a bit irritable, which is way out of character for me... and I have surprised a few people, including my wife, by snapping their heads off. This is very uncool.

The irritability thing is supposed to pass once you acclimate. I am going to do my best to help it along by getting a little bit more sleep. To top things off, the time change came right in the middle of this, so I've been thrown way off my keel.

What's weird is, that I feel fine, for the most part, until somebody fires a shot across my bow, or I perceive that they have somehow stepped over a line with me, and I instantly I get my back up and tear their lungs out through their nostrils with little or no warning... which is also very much not like me. I can pretty much be relied on to go through a couple of phases with people who are trying to piss me off; first, I generally try to blow off whatever it is that they are doing... If It isn't working, I try to let them know, very gently, that I don't like the situation as it is... if that fails, I growl, raise my hackles, and otherwise communicate that whatever it is that they are doing is a foul, and suggest ways that they might try that are less likely to result in being flamed hairless on the spot. Very, very rarely, very rarely, it goes beyond this, and I have to take some other tack... whatever that happens to mean at the time. These past few days, I have been going directly to the growling, hackle -raising, saber-rattling, and then with almost no pause, to the 'flaming-you-hairless' part... It sort of sucks.

Many eyebrows have been raised, I think...

I have been told that the nasty, curmudgeonous, pugilistic, cantankerous orneryness will pass. I hope this is true before I find myself living alone in a cave with bones strewn about on the ground in front of it...

Today a customer decided to try to wind me up. This lasted about ten seconds, until I kicked a mud puddle up his ass and stomped it dry, and sent him on his way. He was all apologies, and most likely thinks that I was on a work-release program from an institute for the criminally insane. I expect I'll be hearing more about this one...


I need sleep.

(Growls and threatening gestures)

Why does something that is supposed to be so great for you make you act like such a dick, I wonder? It isn't just me, either. I have heard a number of stories about just this type of behavior in the past few days. Once I started removing limbs, of course, the stories tended to peter out... [SNORT!!]

1 comment:

SVN, prn said...

Nice I am a *snorter* too, a funny line gets me laughing and out sneaks a *snort*

Stress, which is what you seem to be going through, causes many a reaction, including not sleeping well and change in behavior.

Let's add up the changes in your life, diet, exercise, new 'project' added into all the other regular stuff.

I will refrain from giving you any advice because you are too smart to need any (but if it were me I'd try some Tylenol PM).

Bear, Life is good, enjoy it.